This building – The Old Hall Schoolhouse – was awarded National Register of Historic Places status in 2004. Instrumental in obtaining this status was Joanne Raetz Stuttgen of the Morgan County Historic Preservation Society, Dr. Jerry Wolffe, former superintendent. K. Randy Marsh, HCA president, was instrumental in researching and obtaining much of the information contained in the application. Monroe-Gregg School District de-commissioned Hall School in 2005. In August, 2010 the School District transferred ownership of the building to Hall Civic Association.
All posts by HallcivicW
2023 Haunted House Information
We are veeery excited to announce we will be having several new additions to our haunted house this year! No, I’m not going to divulge the details. We will be open every Friday and Saturday in October. Hours will be 7 pm – 11 pm. If you are in line at 11 pm, you will get in that night.
If you would like to volunteer to haunt the poor souls that enter the building this year, please plan on attending one of our voluteer meetings to go over the details. Actor hours are 6 pm – 1 am (hopefully not every night goes until 1 am, but it is possible, so be prepared). Call Randy Marsh for more details (317)430-8023

Haunted House Actors and Volunteers Meeting – August 31, 2019 and September 3, 2019.
The Haunted House Volunteer/Actors meeting is Saturday August 31st at 3:00 pm and Tuesday September 3rd at 6:00 pm . Anyone interested in volunteering should attend. This will be an informative meeting. We will discuss all the new scenes and different roles. Must be 16 years or older to volunteer (those under the age of 18 will need a Minor Authorization Form completed by a parent/guardian).
Some categories for other volunteers:
- Costume
- hair/make-up
- media